Events Calendar Category... Arts & CultureBusiness DevelopmentBusiness Development Center Chamber Of CommerceCommunity ServicesConcertContinuing EducationCWUFamilyFestivals & CelebrationsFood & DrinksFundraiserGovernmentHealthcareHolidayNetworkingNight LifeOpen HouseOrganizations & ClubsRecreation & SportsRetailSchoolsYouth March April May June July August September October November December January February Search Results Found: 43 Button group with nested dropdown October 2022 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival FiberFest in the Valley Eighth Annual Ellensburg Archives and Museums Crawl Ellensburg Swing Out 2 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Run for the Brave 5k 3 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste 4 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Make Music Kids Choir Valley Voices Community Choir 5 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste BDC Lunch & Learn - Andreas Bohman, University of Washington's Chief Information Officer 6 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Lincoln Elementary Ribbon Cutting Ceremony 7 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Chamber Chatter Fishy Friday! First Friday Art Walk 8 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Build-a-Scarecrow 9 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste 10 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Marketing Monday - Crystal Church at Dreamweaver Consulting 11 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Valley Voices Community Choir 12 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Hispanic Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program 13 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste 14 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste 15 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Roslyn Mountain Ale Festival Cle Elum Skatepark Community Fundraiser and Silent Auction 16 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Outdoor Market City of Kittitas 17 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste 2022 Kittitas County General Election Forums 2022 Election Virtual Forum Series 18 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste 2022 Kittitas County General Election Forums 2022 Election Virtual Forum Series Rise & Shine Networking - Secret Valley Produce Valley Voices Community Choir 19 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste LWV to Host Jerry Pettit, Kittitas County Auditor, to Speak about Election Security Alzheimer's Association - Cle Elum Work Readiness Program 20 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste 21 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Cabernet Cabaret presents The Books of Broadway (Valley Musical Theatre) 22 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste "Stand Down" Veterans Benefits Fair Pumpkin Carving at Mule & Elk Brewing Co. Tap Room Clymer Museum & Gallery Annual Rendezvous Dinner & Auction Cabernet Cabaret presents The Books of Broadway (Valley Musical Theatre) 23 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Rodeo City Roller Derby presents A Spooky Scrimmage 24 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste 25 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Chamber 101 Valley Voices Community Choir 26 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste 2022 Upper Kittitas County Candidate Forum 27 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Rodeo Hall of Fame 3rd Annual Whiskey Taste Ellensburg Historic Pub Crawl 28 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Ellensburg Downtown Trick or Treat Harvest Fest Event Latinx Photography Project Documentary and Director Q&A 8th Congressional District Debate on CWU Campus 29 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Trunk or Treat 30 U-Pick Pumpkins and Fall Festival Halloween Party at Whipsaw Brewing 31 Boo-Elum 1 2 3 4 5