Argonaut Peak Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy
Mon / Wed: 7:00AM - 5:00PM
Tues / Thurs: 7:30AM - 5:30PM
Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00pm
Driving Directions:
Located across the street from Central Washington University in The Plaza
About Us
Argonaut Peak Physical Therapy is a privately owned physical therapy clinic in Ellensburg, WA. The clinic was originally established in 2008 by Jonathan Suttles, MS, PT.
With over 45 years of combined experience, our therapists use advanced assessment and treatment techniques to develop an individualized program for each patient. It is Argonaut Peak Physical Therapy’s goal to help clients return to an optimal level of functioning in their everyday lives. And because assisting people to a speedy recovery is very important to us, we are committed to scheduling appointments as soon as possible.