Cle Elum Roundup Association

RodeosNon-Profit Associations
The Board works year around to produce this event always held the last weekend in July!
Driving Directions:
Take I-90 to Cle Elum, WA. The WA State Horse Park is located just west of downtown across from Safeway, go west behind the Warrior gas station to enter the Horse Park.
About Us
The Cle Elum Roundup Association is a non-profit organization comprised of dedicated volunteers working to strengthen our community through the traditions of Roundup & Rodeo.
The Roundup originated in 2014 and has worked to improve what we offer competitors, spectators, and our community ever since. In 2018 we joined the ranks of the PRCA/WPRA sanctioning meaning we have the BEST contestants and stock in the industry. We look forward to building on our past traditions to produce a world-class rodeo event for the spectators to enjoy.
We are proud to hold the Roundup in the beautiful mountain setting of the WA State Horse Park located in Cle Elum, WA. Always the last weekend in July. Tickets available online at